
 Humanities Computing

Humanities computing staff work in partnership with the campus support center to provide services like email setup, software updates and network access. We also partner with local IT staff in the other academic divisions to deliver localized services that meet common needs. These partnerships enable us to focus on faculty instructional and research support such as web and application hosting, specialized software training, instructional design and lab support. By utilizing the IT request ticketing system your request can be directed to the appropriate technician and placed within view of the full complement of local staff.

Local IT Support Staff

NameTitlePhone NumberOffice LocationOffice Hours
Jay E OlsonPortfolio Manager, Research & Divisional IT
Xiao LiDigital Humanist
Yuri CantrellHumanities Divisional Liaison
Monday - Friday; 7am - 3pm

Local IT Services

Design and Development

Direct Client Support and Tools

Hosting and Infrastructure

Labs and User Facilities

Specialized / Discipline Specific

Need More Help?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, please open an IT Request help ticket, or send e-mail to