Baskin School of Engineering: Direct Client Support and Tools: E-Mail


This service is offered by Local IT Staff (LITS) to the local division.

What is it?

Historically, the BSOE has maintained its own Google Apps domain. However, the BSOE stopped issuing new Google Apps accounts as of June 1, 2014. We are currently working on a plan to migrate existing Google Apps accounts to the Google Apps domain.

How do I get help?

Send e-mail to

How is it supported?

BSOE Local IT Staff (LITS) support this service.

Who supports it?

NameTitlePhone NumberOffice LocationOffice Hours
James T MustainWindows Systems Administrator
Monday - Friday 7am-3:30pm (Thursday and Friday Offsite)
Paul StuhleyBSOE Macintosh Desktop Support
BSOE Printing Support
Baskin Engineering, Room 312A
Monday thru Thursday 9am to 6pm Friday 7:30am to 4:30pm


Need More Help?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, please open an IT Request help ticket, or send e-mail to