Physical and Biological Sciences: Labs and User Facilities: Computing Labs


This service is offered by Physical and Biological Sciences to the local division.

What is it?

Local ITS staff supply support for departmental academic compouter labs.  Some of the departments are Biology, Physics, and Astronomy.

The service includes configuring desktops/laptops for instructional use. In Astronomy this includes thin clients.  In Biology it includes the teaching labs. In Math this includes the math computing lab.

How much does it cost?

It is free for support.  Equipment for labs is purchased by the department in question.

How do I get help?

Make a request via or

You can also use help support email addresses listed here:

PBSci Support Email Addresses

How is it supported?

Local ITS staff are available to assist in academic computing lab support.

Who supports it?

NameTitlePhone NumberOffice LocationOffice Hours
Ambrosio C TorresAcademic Computing Specialist for the Sciences
Information Systems Analyst 3
Ramon W BergerSenior Systems Manager
Alex LinDesktop Support Supervisor


Need More Help?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, please open an IT Request help ticket, or send e-mail to