Baskin School of Engineering: Hosting and Infrastructure: Network Services

Service URL

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This service is offered by Local IT Staff (LITS) to the local division.

What is it?

The BSOE Local IT Staff (LITS) provides end-user support for network port activation, moves and deactivation, as well as network connectivity problems.

How much does it cost?

This service is provided free of charge.

How do I get help?

Send e-mail to

How is it supported?

BSOE Local IT Staff (LITS) support this service.

Who supports it?

NameTitlePhone NumberOffice LocationOffice Hours
Lynne SheehanBSOE Networking/Facilities
BSOE IT Facilities Supoport
Baskin Engineering, Room 315A
M-F 9:00-5:30p


Need More Help?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, please open an IT Request help ticket, or send e-mail to