Humanities: Design and Development: Instructional Design
This service is offered by Humanities to all academic divisions.
What is it?
Humanities Computing staff are available to consult with instructors on the best practices for developing course materials including video and audio webcasting. We are available to assist in creating customized websites hosted on the divisional web server (, as well as in eCommons, the campus' new collaborative learning environment.
How much does it cost?
This service is provided at no charge.
How do I get help?
Consulting services are available by appointment. While requests from Humanties faculty will be prioritized, support for faculty in other academic divisions may be available by arranagement and on referral from their Divisional Liaision. Please refer to the contact information provided on the website.
How is it supported?
Best effort support is provided by local IT staff and prioritized in accordance with the campus service level agreement:
- Significant risk to life and safety.
- Significant impact on the delivery of instruction.
- Significant or lasting impact on student academic performance.
- Significant risk to law, rule, or policy compliance.
- Academic and Administrative Calendar deadlines.
- Significant number of people affected.
- Percentage of total tasks that can no longer be performed by individuals.
Who supports it?
Name | Title | Phone Number | Office Location | Office Hours |
Angela Rose Thalls | UX Researcher | by appointment |
Need More Help?
If you didn't find what you were looking for, please open an IT Request help ticket, or send e-mail to