Physical and Biological Sciences: Specialized / Discipline Specific: Research Software

Service URL

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This service is offered by Physical and Biological Sciences to the local division.

What is it?

We supply assistance for obtaining and installing various research oriented software such as Matlab, Mathematics, etc.  

There is also support for installing software that is offered by other research institution. This may include compling and installing software on servers and desktops.

How much does it cost?

It's free, except for the cost of certain software licenses, e.g. Matlab, SPSS, GIS, etc.

How do I get help?

Send your request to or use

or use the appropriate email for your department from this list:

How is it supported?

PBSci ITS staff will help or refer your request to the appropriate people.

Who supports it?

NameTitlePhone NumberOffice LocationOffice Hours
Alison Melanie LindbergSystems Administrator 3
Sinsheimer Lab, Room 325
Ramon W BergerSenior Systems Manager
Invalid User
Mary T. Eriksen
Ambrosio C TorresAcademic Computing Specialist for the Sciences
Information Systems Analyst 3


Need More Help?

If you didn't find what you were looking for, please open an IT Request help ticket, or send e-mail to