Digital Signage
Slideshow Editing
Add/Delete/Rearrange Photos
1. Double-click on "Add New Zone" and select “Slideshow” on the top left navigation bar.
2. Click the Playlist: “Edit…” button on the lower half of the Slideshow Settings edit window
to the right of the Playlist category.
Text Box Editing
1. Double-click any text zone or create a new one.
To Edit Text Content
Use the top "Text" field. Make sure to click the "update" button after entering the text.
Text Font and Size Editing
1. Click the capital “A” in the "Font Settings" dialog which will take you to a new window.
RSS Ticker Editing
1. Double-click on "Add New Zone" and select “RSS TIcker” on the top left navigation bar.
2. Use the text box to edit text. Make sure to press return after every entry and “Update” to save.
3. Editing text size and font is the same as editing text zones.
Inserting an RSS Feed from a URL
1. Click the drop down menu next to “Default Feed” and select “URL”.
2. Copy an RSS feed link.
3. Paste link into text field and click “Update”.
Changing Splitter Image
1. Click “Choose” next to Splitter Image tag. This will open a "Files" window.
2. Select image.
RSS Bulletin Editing
1. Double-click on "Add New Zone" and select “RSS Bulletin” on the top left navigation bar.
2. Editing the bulletin is similar to editing the RSS ticker.
Background Image Editing
1. Click the “Background” button on the top left corner of the Edit screen.
2. With the drop down menu selected at Image, you can upload any image that is currently saved on the
computer by clicking “Choose”.